Organizing My Thoughts

My goal is to have a blog entry every week day but I know that’s a big goal. So I’m taking small steps to reach that eventual goal. Right now I’m intrigued by the organization process of blogging. I’ve seen blog posts organized by date of entry but can they be dually organized by a theme?

Tess, the largest of the four cats I share a house with, just made an appearance. I think she wants to contribute to this thematic brainstorming. The topic of cats will certainly be considered but is it really a theme? I’ll table this thought for a few moments.

The themes that come to mind are:

  • Self-Management
  • Yoga & Exercise
  • Acupuncture & other CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
  • Diet
  • Motivation
  • Attitude
  • Stress Reduction
  • Resources

Cats really doesn’t flow with this list. I think Cats may appear as a topic under Motivation or Attitude. What do you think?

I’m open to other themes but they must be something I care about and be something worthy of sharing with the world. I, at times, may have strong opinions but I reserve those opinions for just a few areas. There are so many areas I just don’t feel strongly about or don’t feel like I want to influence others about. But the list above represents the themes I’m committed to writing about. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.