Gratitude & Thinking Small

‘Tis the season to be thankful, grateful, and appreciative. But how does one get to a place of gratitude if you’re feeling miserable — physically, emotionally, or both? Toni Bernhard, author of How to Be Sick (Second Edition): A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers, talks about gratitude as it relates to the Four Sublimes States of Buddhism. 

A brief introduction to Robert A. Emmons‘, Ph.D. research on gratitude is presented on the physical, psychological, and social benefits to a gratitude practice. Emmons has written a number of books but here is a quick read for those anxious to jump into a gratitude practice, The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a life of happiness and wellbeing by giving thanks.

Join Leslie with her 30-day gratitude challenge of daily journaling in the Glass Half Full Facebook group.

Listen to Toni Bernhard in her earlier podcast episode and her articles on Psychology Today’s website.


5 responses to “Gratitude & Thinking Small”

  1. Gloria Avatar

    Excellent topic, ty.

  2. Verla Avatar

    A great interview. I am a Toni Bernhard fan, so excited to hear her take on gratitude from the perspective of chronic disease. Also appreciated the background and academic studies that you provided on gratitude.

  3. Melissa Avatar

    Brilliant topic and challenge! Really interesting podcast

  4. […] out another podcast episode with Toni talks about gratitude as it relates to the Four Sublimes States of […]

  5. […] earlier podcast episode, Gratitude & Thinking Small, includes an interview with noted author and Buddhist practitioner, Toni […]