How Prepared Are You?

September 2, 2017

This month of September is designated as National Preparedness Month. It’s the topic of discussion in the most recent podcast episode and, apparently, in this first of a nearly daily blog post. So, how prepared are you?

Being prepared may be more than a checklist of items you should have on hand in the event of a disaster where you may need to leave your home or stay cloistered in your home without any outside assistance. Being prepared may be more of a state of mind…or, perhaps a peace of mind? It involves going through the mental process of what if scenarios.

What if I am unable to be at home and need to sleep elsewhere? This is how I brainstorm for a trip when I am traveling. My preparation always involves making a list several weeks before the designated trip. I originally had a template but things change so quickly that I need to re-brainstorm for each trip. What happens if I’m in pain/discomfort — what do I need? What helps me sleep? Depending on the weather, what do I need to bring?

I invite you to start that brainstorming process. Let me know what you come up with.

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Glass Half Full with Leslie Krongold, Ed.D. © 2018