Are you ready to MOVE your body?

Join us for the May Movement Challenge! Register for this Saturday’s session here AND join the Movement Challenge Facebook Group:

Here are highlights from last year’s month-long event:

Final Class for May Movement Challenge 2022

Friday, May 27 @ 3:00 pm PACIFIC
Chair Yoga & Breathing with Tatiana Bogantes Stollman

Register here
Balance, Flexibility, Strength, Endurance
  1. Seated, no lower body movement required
  2. Seated with some lower body movement and modifications provided
  3. Modifications for seated and standing participants
  4. Full body movement without modifications

All registered participants receive a weekly email with online class opportunities. Prizes awarded for those that attend the most classes during the month of May. 


Want to get in the mood before the Movement Classes? Here are relevant podcast episodes and video segments:

About Glass Half Full Podcast

Glass Half Full with Leslie Krongold, Ed.D. celebrated its 5th anniversary in March 2021. With over 100 episodes, the podcast offers in depth interviews for people living and coping with a chronic health condition. Guests include people with chronic health conditions and healthcare professionals, and topics cover Coping, Nutrition as well as Social Support. Diagnosed with Myotonic Dystrophy in 1998, Leslie is also a keynote speaker and writer; most recently her presentation at the Virtual Abilities Expo attracted over 600 viewers.