Self-Care Challenge Anew

Happy New Year! I think it’s safe to greet someone with this salutation for the duration of January. Somewhere, sometime, someone said…”you’ve got the entire month of January to focus on the new year…”

…and make those ubiquitous new year resolutions.

How’s that process going for you? Have you made any new year resolutions? Have you resolved not to make resolutions? If you’d like to know my advice — and I hope you do — focus on small, baby steps for new year resolutions. I explain this in a blog post for Brain & Life magazine.

A great starting point is assessing your current Self-Care routines. Have they been working for you? Have you maintained your exercise goals? Have you been eating the healthy, well-balanced diet you envisioned? Are you still feeling harried like a bundle of nerves?

If you’re not currently using the Health Storylines Tool to assist your Self-Care, then this month is a great time to start. Just download the free app. I use it on both my desktop computer and smart phone. And I have my FitBit uploading daily data as well.

Once you have the app installed, check out the Tools Library.

Browse through all of the Tools; consider how best to use them to assist with your Self-Care plans.

You’ll notice there are many Tools available for specific conditions such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, COPD, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and hepatitis C.

Whether or not your condition is listed, I suggest adding the Health Routine Builder Tool. Here you create your baby steps leading a path of success toward reaching your larger Self-Care goals.

Join us on the monthly Self-Care Challenge. To review past blog posts, check out this page. For additional coaching with achieving your Self-Care baby steps and goals, become a part of the Glass Half Full Facebook group.