
Everyone who arrives on time gets to vote on the topic. Probably 3 or 4 choices. You’re welcome to submit topic ideas to me via email or Facebook Messenger.

Stage 1: I’m Just Sayin’

Each person gets up to 2-minutes to respond to the topic. I’ll be using a Timer with a Buzzer. People can pass when called on but everyone gets a chance to talk if they want. Everyone is muted. If you have a question for the speaker, use the Chat feature. Up to two people can pose a question for each speaker; please do this in Chat. Speaker responds to each question in one minute.

Stage 2: Dive Deeper

We’ll go into Breakout rooms which will be randomly assigned. Rules of engagement: Each person has a chance to speak. Prior to breakout rooms, I’ll suggest the facilitator is chosen by some unique condition, i.e. the person with the longest middle name. Maintain respect for others’ opinions. After 10-15 minutes, everyone will return to the main room.

Stage 3: Take-Away

Each person gets up to 2-minutes to share what they learned and if anything caused them to think differently about the topic.

Stage 4: Shake it Out

One song will play representing the topic. People are welcome to dance to it, or not.

General Rules of Engagement

We respect everyone’s opinion. Topics will be all over the map…some may be sensitive for you, some may be political. You are always welcome to pass or just leave the Zoom session.

Based on how this unfolds, the rules may change. I’d like this to be fun and interesting. Of course!