The Heat is On! How Weather Affects Our Health

Hot weather affects the health of humans and animals
Basset Hound with ears flapping in front of a fan

High temperatures can exacerbate symptoms for someone with a chronic health condition. The best way to cope may be to seek refuge in an air-conditioned environment. If that proves to be difficult, you may learn about a few tools and resources from patient advocates, You’ll meet Kate Mitchell, from Boston, who has Rheumatoid Arthritis and POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), Danny van Leeuwen, also in Boston, who has Multiple Sclerosis, and Brook McCall, in Portland, Oregon, who has a spinal cord injury. They share their experiences with weather — hot, cold, ice, snow, and pressure changes.

7 Hot Tips to Beat the Heat

1. Pre-cooling

Check out the National Multiple Sclerosis Society website for information about pre-cooling techniques.

2. Hydration

Water’s great but so are some other beverages. The Ayurvedic tradition focuses on herbs, spices, and other plant-based remedies to cool you down. Check this magazine article for a few recipes. If you’re intrigued by Ayurveda, have you listened to last year’s podcast episode?

3. Diet Modification

Consider eating smaller, lighter meals. Here’s a list of hydrating foods.

4. Clothing

Check out this issue of the UC-Berkeley Wellness Newsletter for tips on appropriate clothing for hot weather.

5. AC over Fans

This is discussed in the link above.

6. Yoga Poses

Curl your tongue and breathe. To learn more about this cooling yoga pranayama and other cooling asanas, visit this webpage.

7. Meditation

Listen to this guided meditation to help you cool down…once you’re safe inside or in a shaded area.

Additional resources: From Brain & Health magazine.


4 responses to “The Heat is On! How Weather Affects Our Health”

  1. […] empowered by her advocacy experiences at California’s state capitol and in Washington, DC. Brook McCall, Grassroots Advocacy Manager for the United Spinal Association talks about her work. Marla Murasko, […]

  2. Lee Avatar

    thanks to this article… Very helpful tips to beat the heat

  3. […] your time to catch up on missed episodes while I’m away. Check the website for links to The heat is on: how weather affects our health and Accessible […]

  4. Fitoru fitness Avatar

    Very good post. Basically we know all of this, but we are so lazy to practice it. We need a constant reminder.