Tag: chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Patient Advocates, Patient Leaders

    What is a Patient Advocate? A patient advocate can be an actual patient with a mental and/or physical health condition, a caregiver for someone with a health condition, or a paid professional advocating on behalf of others with a health condition.

    Andrea L. Klein, of Cleveland, Tennessee, has collagen six intermediate congenital muscular dystrophy. She started a Facebook group, Breathe with MD Support Group, for people with a neuromuscular disease who struggle with respiratory health. Recently, she established a nonprofit organization with the same name.

    Melissa Talwar, of Pasadena, California, has struggled with fibromyalgia since she was 14 years old. Her experiences with different medications and their alarming side effects catapulted her into focused research on the condition and potential treatments. After volunteering with a patient advocacy organization and then traveling around the U.S. to meet others with fibromyalgia, Melissa also established a nonprofit organization.

  • Autoimmune Illness: A Physician’s Journey

    Autoimmune Illness: A Physician’s Journey

    Imagine if your physician not only understood your invisible chronic illness but also had experience healing her own autoimmune illness. That physician could be Cynthia Li.

    Dr. Cynthia Li talks about her book, Brave New Medicine, and answers my questions covering everything from autoimmune illness, functional vs. integrative medicine, the writing process, to the role intuition played in her healing process and now plays a role in her medical practice.

    Dr. Li mentions the organization, HeartMath Institute, in this episode. To read Dr. Li’s 2014 (pre-Brave New Medicine publication) contribution to the San Francisco Medicine Journal, check page 19.

  • Medical Cannabis

    Medical Cannabis

    This podcast episode explores the experiences of six people who have used medical cannabis for a variety of conditions including cancer, depression, muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, bone fracture, and bipolar disorder.

    There’s a lot of information about medical cannabis but I recommend watching this CNN documentary. Check this map to see where your U.S. state is in terms of medical cannabis legalization.

  • Qigong: Move that stagnant qi!

    Nicole teaches medical qigong in Alameda.
    Nicole teaches medical qigong in Alameda.

    You’ll be learning about the ancient practice of Qigong in this podcast episode. Paul Robison – licensed acupuncture practitioner – explains qigong as a longevity exercise. Barbara finds her qigong practice helpful with symptoms from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. And Nicole Stone, my qigong teacher, brings a background of dance, yoga, and meditation to her medical qigong practice.

    For additional information check out the National Qigong Association.