Chatting: A Professional Patient & Coping with the holidays

January 23, 2023

Over the past month there’s been some chatting — with a Professional Patient and a few virtual friends sharing how they cope with the holidays.

I noticed a Facebook posting from a high school classmate identifying himself as a professional patient so naturally I was intrigued. In this video I ask David Weiss all about his 11 years of experience as a professional patient which includes giving feedback to first- and second-year medical school students, participating in tests doctors must take before the Florida state boards, and teaching doctors how to give a male examination using his own penis and prostate.

If you missed the December podcast, you’re welcome to listen or watch it on YouTube; the participants did dress quite festively. Joining me are Andrea Klein with collagen 6 congenital muscular dystrophy, Janice Laurence with Charcot Marie Tooth neuromuscular disease, and Roma Leffmann who advocates for people with acquired disabilities as a stroke survivor. Together we discuss everything from dysphagia, incontinence , single life, ableism, and gifting.

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Glass Half Full with Leslie Krongold, Ed.D. © 2018